Those who have sat in front of a television, watched the news, seen posts on various social media accounts, know about hte ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. In this "challenge," an individual dumps a bucket of ice water over their head in order to raise awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and increase donations for research. The origins of the challenge are unknown but it quickly went viral through social media during July-August 2014. The challenge dares participants to film themselves having a bucket of ice water poured on their head and then nominating others to do likewise. The ALS Association is incredibly pleased with the outpouring of support and donations the ice bucket challenge has encouraged. As of Wednesday, August 27, The ALS Association has received $94.3 million in donations thanks, in part, to the ice bucket challenge.
Yes, millions have taken on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge under unlikely circumstances. Randy Weisburd, COO of Atlantic | Pacific Companies, accepted the challenge but with one stipulation in the name of CSR. He would let the freezing water soak his suit, if A | P's 650 employees would do the same. For every employee who takes the challenge, and posts the video on A | P's Facebook page, A | P will make a donation in his or her name to ALS.
If seeing is believeing for you, watch the Atlantic-Pacific staff accept the challenge. Visit their Facebook page.